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Slight Differences from presented canon

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2021 11:53 pm
by Ender
The Deer Clan originate from an honored Otomo, not a Daidoji. Their founder was Otomo Shika, who was a renowned Imperial Matchmaker. She was given leave to form the Deer Clan, as an 'honor' for her own relationship, which was a marriage of love, in stark contrast to her practices. She married a rakish ronin warrior.

Re: Slight Differences from presented canon

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 8:45 pm
by Ender
This is a higher fantasy of Rokugan. The Supernatural/Spirits are more active and present than standard L5R.

Even without a spiritual sixth sense, every day people can see spirits. Think Princess Mononoke level here.

Sixth Sense takes it to 11.

Momoku acts as normal.