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Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2021 8:48 pm
by Ender
In your signature, please follow this format
Clan Name | Role | Noticeable Advantages | Noticeable Disadvantages | Flavorful Fluff that can be noticed
Staus XX | Honor XX | Glory XX
Carrying: What you're carrying on your person
Please feel free to use different separators than just |, and use your clan colors

Re: Signatures

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2021 8:49 pm
by Ender
As a note -

No one has been given their armor or daisho in their kit as of yet. Those will be given at graduation.

Re: Signatures

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2021 9:40 pm
by Ender
Please do not use colorful names for Glory, Honor, and Status!

These are numbers that serve as currency for staking if necessary. Having it in your signature makes it so I don't have to hunt through character sheets, if it comes up.

These are are wholly metagame numbers. Characters are not aware of what the numbers are. You have a rough idea of your placement in the Celestial Order, but you won't know "Ah, Akodo Tempura has a status score of 57!"