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Day 5 [EA] Forest of Blades (Expecting)

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2021 8:55 pm
by Suzume Rin
Rin bounces up and down on her toes as the Sparrow begins her warmup routine. It never seemed to prevent all the aches and pains, particularly if she was needed in the fields after, but it made them a bit more tolerable.

The clearing was only a short way from the road but the heavy tree cover made it seem suitably quiet and serene, the white ji of the Sparrow bobbing rapidly against the green foliage. As usual for any expedition, Rin had raided the kitchen (and was now on a given name basis with most of the staff there) and a small box of snacks was nearby. Either as a prize for winning or as consolation for getting thwacked, for her future opponent was mighty indeed.

Re: Day 5 [EA] Forest of Blades (Expecting)

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2021 1:46 am
by Ikoma Aya
"Suzume-san. Good afternoon", the deep voice said as the expected company finally arrived. "I was very pleased to receive your invitation", she says with a slight smile on her eyes. "I see you're doing your best already", she then comments, seeing the Sparrow exercising. "I'll have to work hard to catch up"

(OOC: Oof, sorry for the long delay. Thought yesterday and today would be ok-ish, but RL's been a bitch...)

Re: Day 5 [EA] Forest of Blades (Expecting)

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2021 1:50 am
by Suzume Rin
Ikoma Aya wrote:
Thu Nov 25, 2021 1:46 am
"Suzume-san. Good afternoon", the deep voice said as the expected company finally arrived. "I was very pleased to receive your invitation", she says with a slight smile on her eyes. "I see you're doing your best already", she then comments, seeing the Sparrow exercising. "I'll have to work hard to catch up"

(OOC: Oof, sorry for the long delay. Thought yesterday and today would be ok-ish, but RL's been a bitch...)
"Ikoma-sama! I figured I'd have to bring my very best if I was gonna get you a better fight than last time. And thanks for coming! Bet you're busy. Oh! And I've got snacks for later, can't wander around the town on an empty stomach."
She indicates a box resting nearby
"I've already taken so many out, but they just keep letting me have more food, it's great!"

Re: Day 5 [EA] Forest of Blades (Expecting)

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2021 3:22 am
by Ikoma Aya
Suzume Rin wrote:
Thu Nov 25, 2021 1:50 am
"Ikoma-sama! I figured I'd have to bring my very best if I was gonna get you a better fight than last time. And thanks for coming! Bet you're busy. Oh! And I've got snacks for later, can't wander around the town on an empty stomach."
She indicates a box resting nearby
"I've already taken so many out, but they just keep letting me have more food, it's great!"
The Suzume's energy is received with a raised eyebrow, but also the slight smile spreading to her lips a bit. "Not busier than Suzume-san, I assume. Training hard... as we must always, ne?" The smile fades a bit. "I must do better if I am to... "


"We should do our best, ne? As Suzume-san does."

Then, patting a small wrapped cloth on her obi. "Oh... I've brought one onigiri only. But... Suzume-san is right, the Crane have been generous as their reputation, haven't they?"

Re: Day 5 [EA] Forest of Blades (Expecting)

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2021 3:28 am
by Suzume Rin
Ikoma Aya wrote:
Thu Nov 25, 2021 3:22 am

The Suzume's energy is received with a raised eyebrow, but also the slight smile spreading to her lips a bit. "Not busier than Suzume-san, I assume. Training hard... as we must always, ne?" The smile fades a bit. "I must do better if I am to... "


"We should do our best, ne? As Suzume-san does."

Then, patting a small wrapped cloth on her obi. "Oh... I've brought one onigiri only. But... Suzume-san is right, the Crane have been generous as their reputation, haven't they?"
"Absolutely, no point training if we ain't doing our best. I'm very lucky the best swordswoman in the tournament is willing to come and whack me until I figure out to move out of the way.

Smiling at the mention of the onigiri
"Well, you gotta eat to keep your strength up. Pretty sure I've eaten more here this week than last year. There's so much on offer every day, makes me feel very appreciated. You wanna do a few stretches yourself? Won't do if either of us pull a muscle before the events!"

Re: Day 5 [EA] Forest of Blades (Expecting)

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2021 3:45 am
by Ikoma Aya
Suzume Rin wrote:
Thu Nov 25, 2021 3:28 am
"Absolutely, no point training if we ain't doing our best. I'm very lucky the best swordswoman in the tournament is willing to come and whack me until I figure out to move out of the way.

Smiling at the mention of the onigiri
"Well, you gotta eat to keep your strength up. Pretty sure I've eaten more here this week than last year. There's so much on offer every day, makes me feel very appreciated. You wanna do a few stretches yourself? Won't do if either of us pull a muscle before the events!"
The Ikoma nods, her eyes on the ground. "Oh, Suzume-san, you honour me too much with your words. There are many talented sword wielders in the tournament, I'm sure. I'm sure we'll that soon, too! Suzume-san is quite skilled too, as I said! Don't sell yourself shorter than you should, ne?"

At her other comment, she looks at the food the Sparrow brought. "It... I... it's more than I am used to, as well. But... I suppose Suzume-san is..."

Not sure how to continue the sentence, she shakes her head slightly and changes her approach. "I'm glad Suzume-san feels that way", she says with a small curl in her lips. "And... yes, I'll get to it! A short warm-up and I'll be ready."

Stretches, some jumping jacks, some kicks and quick jumps, and she's ready, bokken by her side.

"Same rules, Suzume-san? Or do we go for something a bit different today? Also... bokken sparring, ne?"

Re: Day 5 [EA] Forest of Blades (Expecting)

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2021 3:59 am
by Suzume Rin
Ikoma Aya wrote:
Sat Nov 27, 2021 3:45 am

The Ikoma nods, her eyes on the ground. "Oh, Suzume-san, you honour me too much with your words. There are many talented sword wielders in the tournament, I'm sure. I'm sure we'll that soon, too! Suzume-san is quite skilled too, as I said! Don't sell yourself shorter than you should, ne?"

At her other comment, she looks at the food the Sparrow brought. "It... I... it's more than I am used to, as well. But... I suppose Suzume-san is..."

Not sure how to continue the sentence, she shakes her head slightly and changes her approach. "I'm glad Suzume-san feels that way", she says with a small curl in her lips. "And... yes, I'll get to it! A short warm-up and I'll be ready."

Stretches, some jumping jacks, some kicks and quick jumps, and she's ready, bokken by her side.

"Same rules, Suzume-san? Or do we go for something a bit different today? Also... bokken sparring, ne?"
"I would be honoured if you would practice your iaijutsu with me Ikoma-sama. I am no great talent..though I'll try not ta sell myself short. Been a while since I've show anyone my stance, don't want to be getting rusty."

Day 5 practicing a duel, meditation/earth for initiative
| TN: 1 | Success: 0 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 0

Rin turns, hand on her hilt then settles into a solid stance, leg pushed back and taking a deep breath.

(( 1/8 strife, decided to not keep any useful dice for the initiative
4/8 after initiative and staredown.))

Re: Day 5 [EA] Forest of Blades (Expecting)

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2021 4:24 am
by Ikoma Aya
Suzume Rin wrote:
Sat Nov 27, 2021 3:59 am
"I would be honoured if you would practice your iaijutsu with me Ikoma-sama. I am no great talent..though I'll try not ta sell myself short. Been a while since I've show anyone my stance, don't want to be getting rusty."

Day 5 practicing a duel, meditation/earth for initiative
| TN: 1 | Success: 0 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 0

Rin turns, hand on her hilt then settles into a solid stance, leg pushed back and taking a deep breath.

(( 1/8 strife, decided to not keep any useful dice for the initiative))
"Not the form my school focuses on either, Suzume-san, but I'll be honoured to. And if one of us does get to be in the Iaijutsu tournament... it will serve us well to practise. I... do believe I"ve heard some stories about Sparrow duellists, though?", she adds tilting her head slightly.

Soon she takes her stance as well, though. A fierce, aggressive one again, as she had the other day.

D5 EA - Fluff duel with Rin. Init. Meditation(1)/Fire(3) TN1. Fire stance. | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 0
Image Image Image
(TN should be 1!)
2 successes.
1 opp used to inflame Rin (2 strife!)
1 opp to be pretty while doing it XD

Init before staredown: 7
Composure before staredown: 1/8
(Rin's Composure before staredown should be 3/8)

Aya Bidding 0; Init keeps at 7
Rin bidding 0; Init keeps at 3
Aya's Composure after staredown: 2/8
Rin's composure after staredown: 4/8 (right?)

Re: Day 5 [EA] Forest of Blades (Expecting)

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2021 4:43 am
by Ikoma Aya
Aya's ferocious eyes seem to calm down slightly, and she shifts her weight slightly, taking a few steps to the side gracefully, eyes focused on Rin's movements as if watching her for any careless step...

Round 1
Aya goes first
Shifting to Air stance
Action: Predict! (Scheme/ Attack)
Composure at 2/8
Fatigue at 0/8

Re: Day 5 [EA] Forest of Blades (Expecting)

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2021 4:45 am
by Suzume Rin
Ikoma Aya wrote:
Sat Nov 27, 2021 4:43 am
Aya's ferocious eyes seem to calm down slightly, and she shifts her weight slightly, taking a few steps to the side gracefully, eyes focused on Rin's movements as if watching her for any careless step...

Round 1
Aya goes first
Shifting to Air stance
Action: Predict! (Scheme/ Attack)
Composure at 2/8
Fatigue at 0/8
Rin stays focused for a few moments then slowly swaps her stance, bringing her legs closer together and rising up on her toes as she draws her bokken.

((Round 1, Shift to air stance, action: Ready weapon

Composure 4/8
Fatigue 0/8))

Re: Day 5 [EA] Forest of Blades (Expecting)

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2021 4:59 am
by Ikoma Aya
The Ikoma finds no clear openings in Rin's shifting footing... but on closer inspection, her less grounded stance seems to leave her at least a bit more vulnerable. She shifts her hold on the bokken, getting it in position for a strike, and with a quick glance tries to find a good opening... but with the Suzume's quick movements, she finds none.

Round 2
After discord bidding
Aya Bidding 1; Init to 8
Rin bidding 0; Init keeps at 3
Aya's Composure after staredown: 5/8
Rin's composure after staredown: 6/8

Aya goes first
Shifting to Water stance
Action 1: Prepare item (Ready weapon)
Action 2: Strike! (Which I'm interpreting as 'attempting to find an opening!')
D5 EA - Practice duel vs Rin. Round 1 - Strike! Melee/Water TN 3 | TN: 3 | Success: 0 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 0
Composure at 5/8
Fatigue at 0/8

Re: Day 5 [EA] Forest of Blades (Expecting)

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2021 5:05 am
by Suzume Rin
Ikoma Aya wrote:
Sat Nov 27, 2021 4:59 am
The Ikoma finds no clear openings in Rin's shifting footing... but on closer inspection, her less grounded stance seems to leave her at least a bit more vulnerable. She shifts her hold on the bokken, getting it in position for a strike, and with a quick glance tries to find a good opening... but with the Suzume's quick movements, she finds none.

Round 2
After discord bidding
Aya Bidding 1; Init to 8
Rin bidding 0; Init keeps at 3
Aya's Composure after staredown: 5/8
Rin's composure after staredown: 6/8

Aya goes first
Shifting to Water stance
Action 1: Prepare item (Ready weapon)
Action 2: Strike! (Which I'm interpreting as 'attempting to find an opening!')
D5 EA - Practice duel vs Rin. Round 1 - Strike! Melee/Water TN 3 | TN: 3 | Success: 0 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 0
Composure at 5/8
Fatigue at 0/8
Rin shifts back for a moment then flows forward her entire vision focusing on a spot on Ay's collarbone, the rest of the world dimming for half a second as the Sparrow steps forward and strikes the Lion solidly, had it been with a katana blood would surely have bbeen drawn.


Day 5 duel practice, martial arts melee/void at TN 2 to strike
| TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 1
Image Image Image

((Strike and crit I believe :O ))

Re: Day 5 [EA] Forest of Blades (Expecting)

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2021 5:15 am
by Ikoma Aya
Suzume Rin wrote:
Sat Nov 27, 2021 5:05 am
Rin shifts back for a moment then flows forward her entire vision focusing on a spot on Ay's collarbone, the rest of the world dimming for half a second as the Sparrow steps forward and strikes the Lion solidly, had it been with a katana blood would surely have bbeen drawn.


Day 5 duel practice, martial arts melee/void at TN 2 to strike
| TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 1
Image Image Image

((Strike and crit I believe :O ))
The Lion gives out a short grunt as she reels from the hit, but soon recomposes herself. She look the Suzume straight in the eyes for a moment, then bows respectfully.

"Good match, Suzume-san! You haven't sold yourself short indeed. I expect Suzume-san will be a tough and strong competitor come the Iaijutsu tournament."

Her voice is serious, but clearly kind. Probably what passes as friendliness for an Akodo-trained soldier... with a self-critical note thrown into the mix, possibly.

Crit indeed! Keeping it at 'just a touch' here for fluff, yeah?

Endurance ends at 3/8 (5 from two-handed bokken thwack -2 resistance from travelling clothes)
Composure ends at 5/8

Re: Day 5 [EA] Forest of Blades (Expecting)

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2021 5:24 am
by Suzume Rin
Ikoma Aya wrote:
Sat Nov 27, 2021 5:15 am

The Lion gives out a short grunt as she reels from the hit, but soon recomposes herself. She look the Suzume straight in the eyes for a moment, then bows respectfully.

"Good match, Suzume-san! You haven't sold yourself short indeed. I expect Suzume-san will be a tough and strong competitor come the Iaijutsu tournament."

Her voice is serious, but clearly kind. Probably what passes as friendliness for an Akodo-trained soldier... with a self-critical note thrown into the mix, possibly.

Crit indeed! Keeping it at 'just a touch' here for fluff, yeah?

Endurance ends at 3/8 (5 from two-handed bokken thwack -2 resistance from travelling clothes)
Composure ends at 5/8
((Absolutely, just a bonk with no mechanical effect))

"Could have gone the other way real easy, I saw the way your eyes were watching, you had a real good read on me."
A shrug, slightly embarrassed
"Just saw an opening and decided to whack yah and it ended up working."

Rin takes a deep breath
"Intense though, feel like I've run a mile just standing still. Don't mind saying my heart was racing there."

"So, food and some talk? Don't want to be distracting you from your training, but I figure that counts for a bit?"

Re: Day 5 [EA] Forest of Blades (Expecting)

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2021 5:30 am
by Ikoma Aya
Suzume Rin wrote:
Sat Nov 27, 2021 5:24 am
"Could have gone the other way real easy, I saw the way your eyes were watching, you had a real good read on me."
A shrug, slightly embarrassed
"Just saw an opening and decided to whack yah and it ended up working."

Rin takes a deep breath
"Intense though, feel like I've run a mile just standing still. Don't mind saying my heart was racing there."

"So, food and some talk? Don't want to be distracting you from your training, but I figure that counts for a bit?"
The Lion's eyes more clearly smile now, although her lips are still neutral.

"And strike me you did! As my sensei used to say - could is not good enough. Or rather - It is good to learn from. But when you really need to do something, almost is not enough."

A nod. "Ah... and... by that I mean... you did well, Suzume-san!"

She looked around at the food, looked at the forest around. Took a deep breath. "Some food... I... ah... it would actually be good! Thank you, Suzume-san!" Another look at the forest. "Maybe we can hike for a while afterwards...."

And with that, she waited for the Sparrow to sit so she could settle by the box of snacks as well. "If this one may ask, Suzume-san... is this your first time outside Sparrow lands?"

Re: Day 5 [EA] Forest of Blades (Expecting)

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2021 5:35 am
by Suzume Rin
Ikoma Aya wrote:
Sat Nov 27, 2021 5:30 am
The Lion's eyes more clearly smile now, although her lips are still neutral.

"And strike me you did! As my sensei used to say - could is not good enough. Or rather - It is good to learn from. But when you really need to do something, almost is not enough."

A nod. "Ah... and... by that I mean... you did well, Suzume-san!"

She looked around at the food, looked at the forest around. Took a deep breath. "Some food... I... ah... it would actually be good! Thank you, Suzume-san!" Another look at the forest. "Maybe we can hike for a while afterwards...."

And with that, she waited for the Sparrow to sit so she could settle by the box of snacks as well. "If this one may ask, Suzume-san... is this your first time outside Sparrow lands?"
Rin bows again at the praise, her flush non-entirely from adrenaline before she joins Aya and politely waits for the Ikoma to eat first...and then begins RAVAGING the snacks. None will survive. She has to quickly swallow to answer the Lion's question.

"My second actually, went to the coast one summer to visit some of our cousins in the Crane. They lived in this big town, hundreds of people. They even gave me this really nice fishing rod too. But this is my first time away for something important."

Another bun vanishes
"What about you Ikoma-sama?"

Re: Day 5 [EA] Forest of Blades (Expecting)

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2021 4:28 am
by Ikoma Aya
Suzume Rin wrote:
Sat Nov 27, 2021 5:35 am
Rin bows again at the praise, her flush non-entirely from adrenaline before she joins Aya and politely waits for the Ikoma to eat first...and then begins RAVAGING the snacks. None will survive. She has to quickly swallow to answer the Lion's question.

"My second actually, went to the coast one summer to visit some of our cousins in the Crane. They lived in this big town, hundreds of people. They even gave me this really nice fishing rod too. But this is my first time away for something important."

Another bun vanishes
"What about you Ikoma-sama?"
"Oh, that's right, I suppose many Sparrow still have close ties to the Crane, ne?", she says pensively as she produces her onigiri, splitting it with her hands and offering half of it to Rin.

"Me, this is my first 'real' time outside Lion lands. I mean... not technically, if you count just crossing the River of the Drowned Merchant and walking through the nearby areas. Those are technically Dragon lands, I suppose..." She seems thoughtful for a while. "But other than that, I haven't been outside Lion lands much, really. And even there, I've kept mostly to the area closest to our village, a few trips to the City of Honour's Sacrifice and Hayaken no Shiro aside."

After eating her onigiri, the Lion thanks the Suzume for the food with a bow, whispers a traditional prayer, and accepts a bun. After some silence, she speaks again.

"Does Suzume-san have particular expectations for after the tournament? It seems many have at least a dream of some sort... apparently the champion can choose their destiny, as odd as that sounds!"

Re: Day 5 [EA] Forest of Blades (Expecting)

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2021 4:36 am
by Suzume Rin
Ikoma Aya wrote:
Wed Dec 01, 2021 4:28 am
Rin bows again at the praise, her flush non-entirely from adrenaline before she joins Aya and politely waits for the Ikoma to eat first...and then begins RAVAGING the snacks. None will survive. She has to quickly swallow to answer the Lion's question.

"My second actually, went to the coast one summer to visit some of our cousins in the Crane. They lived in this big town, hundreds of people. They even gave me this really nice fishing rod too. But this is my first time away for something important."

Another bun vanishes
"What about you Ikoma-sama?"
"Oh, that's right, I suppose many Sparrow still have close ties to the Crane, ne?", she says pensively as she produces her onigiri, splitting it with her hands and offering half of it to Rin.

"Me, this is my first 'real' time outside Lion lands. I mean... not technically, if you count just crossing the River of the Drowned Merchant and walking through the nearby areas. Those are technically Dragon lands, I suppose..." She seems thoughtful for a while. "But other than that, I haven't been outside Lion lands much, really. And even there, I've kept mostly to the area closest to our village, a few trips to the City of Honour's Sacrifice and Hayaken no Shiro aside."

After eating her onigiri, the Lion thanks the Suzume for the food with a bow, whispers a traditional prayer, and accepts a bun. After some silence, she speaks again.

"Does Suzume-san have particular expectations for after the tournament? It seems many have at least a dream of some sort... apparently the champion can choose their destiny, as odd as that sounds!"

Rin accepts the food solemnly, with it being an important sparrow ritual before the onigiri vanishes like a flash into her mouth.
"Oh I bet that was exciting though, and it definitely counts. You don't have to go all the way to the High House to say yah've been to the Dragon lands, at least by my reckoning."

The Sparrow was content for them to eat quietly and when they finish she cocks her head at the Lion's question.
"Lotta folk been asking me that...guess it's only natural, right? I...well I don't think I'm gonna be the champion. So the most likely thing is just heading back home, becoming a guardian of the planes."

Rin looks down and traces a design on her gi
"I dunno though...feels bad to want any more than that. It's honourable work, my family's been doing it ever since there was a family. But...maybe...hmmm. Maybe being a magistrate or something like that wouldn't be so bad. Making things right in the empire."

Glancing over at Aya
"What about yourself? Someone as skilled as you, bet there's gonna be a lot of responsibility and status wherever you're sent."

Re: Day 5 [EA] Forest of Blades (Expecting)

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2021 4:28 am
by Ikoma Aya
Suzume Rin wrote:
Wed Dec 01, 2021 4:36 am
Rin accepts the food solemnly, with it being an important sparrow ritual before the onigiri vanishes like a flash into her mouth.
"Oh I bet that was exciting though, and it definitely counts. You don't have to go all the way to the High House to say yah've been to the Dragon lands, at least by my reckoning."

The Sparrow was content for them to eat quietly and when they finish she cocks her head at the Lion's question.
"Lotta folk been asking me that...guess it's only natural, right? I...well I don't think I'm gonna be the champion. So the most likely thing is just heading back home, becoming a guardian of the planes."

Rin looks down and traces a design on her gi
"I dunno though...feels bad to want any more than that. It's honourable work, my family's been doing it ever since there was a family. But...maybe...hmmm. Maybe being a magistrate or something like that wouldn't be so bad. Making things right in the empire."

Glancing over at Aya
"What about yourself? Someone as skilled as you, bet there's gonna be a lot of responsibility and status wherever you're sent."
"A magistrate, huh?" Aya's eyes smile slightly. "I suppose that would be fitting."

She gets another bun and takes a small bite.

"But Suzume-san, you honour me too much with your words! You've done better than I have in the tournament so far, even!" A slight chuckle, quickly subdued, and she puts on a stoic face again. "But you know... I'm quite certain of where my destiny lies after here, really. I'll become a temple guardian at the Temple of the Roaring River, as my sister, great grandmother and other of my ancestors were before me". Her fiery eyes seemed to beam with pride and... something else as she said that. "I... can't imagine I'd choose any other path either, even if I could."

Re: Day 5 [EA] Forest of Blades (Expecting)

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2021 7:59 am
by Suzume Rin
Ikoma Aya wrote:
Sat Dec 04, 2021 4:28 am
"A magistrate, huh?" Aya's eyes smile slightly. "I suppose that would be fitting."

She gets another bun and takes a small bite.

"But Suzume-san, you honour me too much with your words! You've done better than I have in the tournament so far, even!" A slight chuckle, quickly subdued, and she puts on a stoic face again. "But you know... I'm quite certain of where my destiny lies after here, really. I'll become a temple guardian at the Temple of the Roaring River, as my sister, great grandmother and other of my ancestors were before me". Her fiery eyes seemed to beam with pride and... something else as she said that. "I... can't imagine I'd choose any other path either, even if I could."
Rin is clearly very impressed

"Now that's a noble goal. Not just an honourable role, but one that honours your ancestors too! Reckon you'll be a wonderful temple garden."
"And that means I know where to visit yah if I'm passing through. I'm sure it's a famous temple so finding it won't be too hard."