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D5LA, An Open Lunch, if Late

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2021 1:14 pm
by Seppun Urusai
Having worked out well and having washed up quickly, Urusai returns to his favorite noodle stand for more.

Perhaps he will have company, despite not being as eloquent as before?

Re: D5LA, An Open Lunch, if Late

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2021 5:11 pm
by Akodo Michi
Or perhaps he would be.

Or if not, what a surprise to Akodo Michi, who spied him seated at the noodle cart.

She had plans that evening, so taking in some food before sake seemed a wise idea. Approaching the Seppun she greeted him in a clear voice.

"Seppun Urusai-sama, good afternoon", she said. "Would you like some company for your meal?"

Re: D5LA, An Open Lunch, if Late

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2021 5:17 pm
by Seppun Urusai
Urusai rises to the familiar voice, turns and offers a bow.

"Of course," he says, cheered at the prospect of company. "And if it were you, I'd be even more pleased."

Re: D5LA, An Open Lunch, if Late

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2021 5:27 pm
by Akodo Michi
"Seppun-sama is most gracious", she replied and then did take a seat next to him. She looked to the cook and gestured toward Urusai. "I will have the same", she ordered, not knowing what the Imperial was having. Then having settled the pleats of her hakama, she regarded the Seppun properly.

"You seem in good spirits, it pleases this one to see. What do you think of this bazaar, as it is fit to be called?"

Re: D5LA, An Open Lunch, if Late

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2021 5:46 pm
by Seppun Urusai
Urusai nods. "I've appreciated the food," he says, noting her order. "Have you been to this stand before? I've found the spicing to be to my liking."

The voice in Urusai's head mentions something about making good great-nephews.

"Certainly different from the kitchens back home."

Re: D5LA, An Open Lunch, if Late

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2021 6:26 pm
by Akodo Michi
"I have not, but your judgement is all I require", the Lion told him earnestly. "And more, spice is a foe I am familiar with.". She ordered tea as well. "I trust you have been visiting the dojo, what are your thoughts now that you have had time?"

Re: D5LA, An Open Lunch, if Late

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2021 7:18 pm
by Seppun Urusai
"I have been, yes," Urusai remarks. "Just came from there, actually. The campus has a very few practice-versions of heavier weapons like the bisento; it was good to work those muscles again.

"But aside from training, things are other than I might have expected. Good, but other than expected.

"I hope things are well with you, as well?"

Re: D5LA, An Open Lunch, if Late

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2021 7:25 pm
by Akodo Michi
"I will follow my course and continue to apply my training, that is the path I have set before myself and I do not intend to deviate", she said confidently. "Though you say there are matters that were unexpected to you, I find my mind curious. What is unexpected in heaven and earth to the Seppun?"

Re: D5LA, An Open Lunch, if Late

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2021 7:30 pm
by Seppun Urusai
"To the Family as a whole? Likely little," Urusai replies. "To its individual members, or at least this one, some things. Intercepting a thief in a Crane city, for one--but that worked out well, and His Majesty's Justice be done."

Urusai nods affirmatively. And the noodles--and tea--are delivered then.

Re: D5LA, An Open Lunch, if Late

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2021 7:45 pm
by Akodo Michi
"I have not been told of this tale", Michi answered as she accepted the noddles and tea. "A grave mistake of the Crane to not spread word of your deed."

Re: D5LA, An Open Lunch, if Late

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2021 7:49 pm
by Seppun Urusai
"I believe it's making its way through official reports," Urusai says. After the customary thanks and an initial bite, he adds, "I was able to assist several others in coordinating the action. Your fellow Lion, one Kitsu Masaru, aided, as did a pair of Shiba--Haru and Ichiro--and one Doji Arami." He nods. "I was able to motivate onlookers to assist, as well as to coordinate efforts to cut off the thief, hindering his escape enough that local law enforcement could take the culprit into custody.

"It was good to act in such a way; I am grateful to have had a part in it."

Another bite of food, and a bead of sweat beginning to break out on his forehead. "Seems a better pepper this time!"

Re: D5LA, An Open Lunch, if Late

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2021 7:55 pm
by Akodo Michi
As much as Michi enjoyed acts of heroism, speaking at length of a thief was poor form. When she gave thanks and took her bite, she remembered in her prayer to appreciate the righteousness of the act of those who aided the Seppun, in particular Masaru.

"It does have a biting flavor, I approve", she added. "Perhaps eating spice beyond our comfort will be a test later in the championship." She said it so serious, perhaps it wasn't a joke.

Re: D5LA, An Open Lunch, if Late

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2021 8:02 pm
by Seppun Urusai
Urusai chuckles at that. "It might well be," he agrees. "If so, we shall have to practice diligently!"

He takes more food, teenage boy that he is, obviously relishing it despite the sweat beading out upon him.

"I've heard tell that you practice so late it's early again," he says at a convenient point. "The Orders, if memory serves."

Re: D5LA, An Open Lunch, if Late

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2021 9:20 pm
by Akodo Michi
"It is only proper to be ready to greet Lady Amaterasu as she rises", Michi replied with a nod. "Had Akodo-no-kami not spoken his order, I would see said wisdom in the act regardless."

She slurped her noodles politely.

"Though", she said after finishing some. "I have considered going into the woods to find more testing environs than the dojo itself, yet despite that, i find the dojo has been testing for other reasons as of late."

Re: D5LA, An Open Lunch, if Late

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2021 10:58 pm
by Seppun Urusai
"Hm," Urusai grunts out around a mouthful of noodles.

After he swallows and dabs at his mouth, he adds "I found the outdoor training bracing today."

His eyes widen, and he smiles. "That reminds me, I'd meant to ask: you train with the sword, of course, but what other arms?"

Re: D5LA, An Open Lunch, if Late

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2021 11:21 pm
by Akodo Michi
"A knife is a proper traditional weapon for a soldier, as it is a tool quite often as well. We are told to keep them on us at all times, to be ready for the day we will be inseparable from our daisho", she said after finished her next bit of noodles. "And I would hope Seppun-sama has noted my skill with a bow, though I also train with the spear. In my position among soldiers, when it is required of me that I defend myself, a weapon with reach will be invaluable."

Re: D5LA, An Open Lunch, if Late

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2021 11:44 pm
by Seppun Urusai
Urusai nods.

"Prudent," he says. "But that is to be expected."

He eats some more, then asks "Are there particular weapons awaiting you? I mean, I know there is a daisho awaiting you, and I expect there's a history behind the weapons..."

Re: D5LA, An Open Lunch, if Late

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2021 11:54 pm
by Akodo Michi
"I...", she looked down at her bowl for a moment, then back at him. "I am being given a new daisho, commissioned by my parents. It should have been delivered here already."

She sat up straighter again.

"Though my yumi is quite old, passed down long enough it holds best when always strung. It has won two tournaments at Shiro Matsu before it was gifted to my grandfather by his sensei, and my mother won it from him so she could give it to my father when they were courting."

Re: D5LA, An Open Lunch, if Late

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2021 11:57 pm
by Seppun Urusai
"Quite a story with that bow," Urusai says, "and I am certain your daisho will be a treasured, honored thing for your heirs, that you will set a pattern for honor and glory for its wielders."

Slurp! go the noodles.

Re: D5LA, An Open Lunch, if Late

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2021 6:35 pm
by Akodo Michi
"If it is necessary", she allowed. "Though I would rather it be only a reminder of victory, and let is lay in state for all time after it's use has ended."

She then went back to eating, with a bit of gusto now.