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D1EE, A Taste of Something Different (Expecting)
Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2021 12:25 pm
by Seppun Urusai
Urusai, finding himself hungry and curious, ventures into Little Khanbulak. Stumble as he might over the name, Urusai has hears even within the sacred confined of Kyuden Seppun of the tasty and exotic foods therein, and since he's here and has time, why not try it?
So he finds a stall and sits down to order, puzzling over the strange names and delighting in the stranger smells, and a pot of a garnet-colored tea finds its way to his seat. "Darjeeling," he's told.
Re: D1EE, A Taste of Something Different (Expecting)
Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2021 12:33 pm
by Isawa Kiriko
"Hmm-hmm-hmm, I've got some apples, hmm-hmm-hmm, you've got some, too..." A voice contentedly and softly singing to itself paused nearby, and Isawa Kiriko soon came into view, bowing. "Oh, Seppun-sama, from the feast. How nice to see you again."
Re: D1EE, A Taste of Something Different (Expecting)
Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2021 1:01 pm
by Seppun Urusai
Urusai looks up as he is addressed, sees who it is, smiles, and stands to return the bow.
"Daughter of the Phoenix, please join me," he says. "The tea is good, and I am told the food is, too. But company makes all of it the better."
Re: D1EE, A Taste of Something Different (Expecting)
Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2021 1:04 pm
by Isawa Kiriko
"Thank you, Seppun-sama," she replied, taking a seat. "I haven't traveled much, so it will be interesting to see what they serve here. Do you know much about it?"
Re: D1EE, A Taste of Something Different (Expecting)
Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2021 1:11 pm
by Seppun Urusai
"Reports praise the food highly," Urusai replies, resuming his seat. "The tea is astringent and bracing, of which I approve. Shall I pour for you?"
Re: D1EE, A Taste of Something Different (Expecting)
Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2021 1:34 pm
by Isawa Kiriko
"Please, thank you," she said, dipping her head toward him. "I look forward to both... It sounds like it might be nice for the morning, too, if it's hard to wake up."
Re: D1EE, A Taste of Something Different (Expecting)
Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2021 1:46 pm
by Seppun Urusai
Urusai snags another cup--not that it's hard; chrysanthemum and bamboo tends to prompt service--and pours for them both. It is no formal ceremony, of course; the boy's training has led otherwise. But it is still a smooth pour and an elegant motion that leaves a steaming cup before the young Phoenix.
"I admit," he says, "that the menu offerings elude me. The kitchens at Kyuden Seppun do fine work, of course, and varied--but most of what is on offer here is entirely unfamiliar to me. The words defy me, among others."
Re: D1EE, A Taste of Something Different (Expecting)
Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2021 2:04 pm
by Isawa Kiriko
"If you don't know which direction to go, I've found the guidance of the Void may not take you where you wanted to go, but it will always lead somewhere interesting," she replied with a nod. Then she closed her eyes and pointed apparently at random at the menu. "I'd like that, please."
The was a double-take from the staff, but they weren't in much position to suggest she take another option, not with the serious expression on her face.
Re: D1EE, A Taste of Something Different (Expecting)
Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2021 2:15 pm
by Seppun Urusai
"It is true with the sword," Urusai notes, "that acting from the place of no-thought allows the Fortunes' will be done."
He makes a similar gesture to hers, arriving at a different dish.
"And we are young but once; when else to try what is new?"
Re: D1EE, A Taste of Something Different (Expecting)
Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2021 6:33 pm
by Isawa Kiriko
"Exactly!" She agreed with a soft smile. "It's so nice to see an experience so many new things."
Re: D1EE, A Taste of Something Different (Expecting)
Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2021 6:39 pm
by Seppun Urusai
"I know it's early," Urusai says, "but what stands out to you so far?"
Re: D1EE, A Taste of Something Different (Expecting)
Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2021 1:32 am
by Isawa Kiriko
"Mm... The temple to the smaller fortunes in a concerning way, and all of the people I've gotten to meet so far in a good way."
Re: D1EE, A Taste of Something Different (Expecting)
Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2021 11:40 am
by Seppun Urusai
"I've not yet called in at the smaller temple. What concerns you?"
The food arrives, as does another pot of Darejeeling.