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[LM6] Test of The General

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2021 6:01 am
by Ender
The young commander of the Nataku Legion, Mirumoto Shosuke, assembled the Topaz Candidates in the main training grounds in the Kakita Dueling Academy. A life size scale board of Shogi, with ashigaru acting as pieces, each armed with training weapons. He stands tall in an observation tower on one side of the field.

"Good morning, Samurai of tomorrow. This is the Test of the General. Many of you will not just serve your Lords, but also have to act as Lords on the battlefield. To command, and make clear orders and decisions. This is a rough approximation by which I can judge your abilities in such." A hand outstretches out of his tower, pointing to the opposite. "Obviously we are not playing full games of this, but moving through opening plays." He bowed.

"Good luck, Topaz Candidates!"

Disadvantages that must be triggered once on a roll of the affected PCs choice, if they choose the approach tied to the disadvantage:

Disdain For A Bushido Tenet: Courage (Fire), Whispers of Cruelty (Earth), Battle Trauma (Fire), Impatience (Earth), Ferocity (Air), Meekness (Fire), Cognitive Lapses (Void), Whispers of Doom (Void)

School Abilities that are applicable:

Doji Diplomat - Speaking in Silence (Step 3)
Kitsuki Investigator - Kitsuki's Method (Step 2)
Akodo Commander - Way of the Lion
Bayushi Manipulator - Weakness is My Strength (Step 2)

Please feel free to ask if your School Ability could apply

Magic is not allowed for this event

1 Battle Point for a Basic Success
+1 Battle Point for every 2 successes after the first,
+1 Battle Point for using Mirumoto Shosuke's favored approach, if successful on the roll.
Tiebreaker 1 - Opportunity on Kept Dice
Tiebreaker 2 - Strife on kept dice (whoever has the last amount of strife kept)

1st Place - 3 Topaz Points, 3 Glory
2nd Place - 2 Topaz Points, 2 Glory
3rd Place - 1 Topaz Point, 1 Glory

Step One: "Let your plans be dark and inpenetrable as the night. Formlessness and instinct should guide you." This is the initial phase of the game. The first moves, where you and Mirumoto Shosuke showcase the beginning of your first battle plans.

This is a TN 2 Tactics check as a Support or Scheme Action.

Step Two: "All warfare is based on deception. When you are strong, appear to be weak, when weak, appear to be strong. You must trick your enemy into believing what you want them to believe..." Shosuke continues, describing the middle phase of the game.

This is a TN 2 Games check, as a Support or Scheme Action. This represents your battle plans beginning to be executed , and the game is truly afoot.

Step Three: "You must be resolute when commanding your soldiers. To stand firm, and be as steady as the foundation of a fortress. If you are not, your house will collapse as if it were on sand." At this point, the game shifts. Briefly, you must command the ashigaru acting as pieces to mock skirmish at the formed battle lines in the game.

This is a TN 2 Command check, as a Support or Scheme Action.

Re: [LM6] Test of The General

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2021 6:47 am
by Suzume Rin
"Oh hey, what's yer name."
The Ashigaru blinks before bowing very deeply
"Tomo, Samurai-sama."
"Ah huh...Tomo, what are you best at?"
The Ashigaru pauses for a moment, mouth hanging slightly open.
"Best at?..Well, the others say I'm the fastest."
"Right! Then we'll use your speed. Everyone, let's do what we're best at."
Day 6 Event - Test of the General

Tactics/Void, Spending a Void point, TN 2
| TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 2
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"Deception...I ain't any good at deception...unless."
Rin peers at her forces.
"Okay, I want y'all to line up into the most obvious attack you can, and I want you to leave a big obvious hole in the line that the enemy could exploit."
The confused ashigaru do as commanded, and when battle is joined the enemy commander congratulates himself on failing to fall for the 'trap'
Day 6 Event Test of the General

Games/Air TN 2, spending a void
| TN: 2 | Success: 3 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 0
Image Image Image

Finally, Rin has to step up to command, which is probably why the sensei is surprised to see her sitting on the field surrounded by the ashigaru as she tells them 'The Story of Nendo Mura'

"-And when the bandits came, they expected to find the same cowed villagers they'd found the month before. But that samurai he'd whipped them all into shape. So, what did they find?"
One of the ashigaru raises his hand
"A...A wall?"
"Exactly, but say it louder now"
"A Wall!"
"Louder! Everyone needs to know what they're gonna find when they come to us"
The ashigaru look at eachother for a moment before bellowing out
"And whose wall?"
"And what are they gonna do on the wall?"
Rin smiles contentedly
"I think y'all got the moral of this one just right."

Day 6 Test of the General

Using Sparrow tech to make this a performance/earth, paragon of duty triggers. TN 2
| TN: 2 | Success: 3 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 2
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((3 points before approaches))

Re: [LM6] Test of The General

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2021 6:55 am
by Shiba Jiro
This was... an unusually well suited set of tests. But at the end of the day his heart is not in it. He is not a general and the idea of sending men to their deaths does not appeal to his sensibilities. He displays a reasonable understanding of proper movement patterns and basic formations at the very least. But he does not do so well on the gaming portion as he doesn't usually try to play clever or deceptively, but usually reactively. And finally, at the being commanding, he simply does not command. His presence is that of an artist and a courtier, not of a warrior or general. No, he just kind of floats through it, haphazardly without showing any real great talent for the test.


D6 LM, Test of the General, Tactics, Void Approach | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 2
Image Image Image
Success, opp reduces strife by 1, +1 strife

D6 LM, Test of the General, Games, Air Approach, Void Point | TN: 2 | Success: 0 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 0
Image Image
Fail, 1 opp

D6 LM, Test of the General, Command, Earth Approach | TN: 2 | Success: 0 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 1
Image Image
Fail, opp reduces strife

1 General Point (Approaches: Void, Failed, Failed), 3 opportunity, 3 strife
Strife: 1/8

Re: [LM6] Test of The General

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2021 7:08 am
by Yukikaze no Kasumi
Kasumi didn't know shit about formlessness, and she wasn't really much of a tactician yet... but she knew that when in doubt, setting out to overwhelm your opponent could have a psychological effect well in excess of any material capability.

Her strong opening let her transition into a fluid and adaptable defense. Maybe it wasn't the most deceptive, but it was blisteringly effective as her shifting approach kept her opponent off-balance.

And in the closing phase, well...

Say one thing for a Storm Fleet Sailor on the officer track, they knew how to bellow "steady" impressively. And if she told them to "keep those bastards on their asses and don't let 'em have time t'piss 'emselves, let 'lone fight!" it... seemed to be language the ashigaru understood.

Even if it felt weird yelling from anywhere but beside the people she was commanding.

Kasumi didn't figure she'd place, not with her friends Mitsuko and Michi in the field, plus the Unicorn, the other Lion, and possibly Haru, but...

But damn it felt good to at least not fall on her face.

[Roll 1- Using Fire Test of the General, Step One | TN: 2 | Success: 3 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 1
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1 battle point earned.
1 strife.

Roll 2- Using Water Test of the General,Step 2 | TN: 2 | Success: 5 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 4
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2 battle points earned. (3 total at this stage)
4 strife (on this roll) (5 total)
1 opportunity (used to mitigate strife, since i can't Water away 2 for myself :P )

Roll 3- Using Earth, spending Void Test of the General, Step 3 | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 2
Image Image Image

1 battle point (4 total)
2 strife (7 total)
1 opp (used to mitigate strife) (2 total)

Final total- 4 total battle points earned before approaches are factored in. (Fire/Water/Earth)
7 strife accumulated (5 actually taken)
2 Opportunities

Re: [LM6] Test of The General

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2021 7:12 am
by Shiba Haru
When he saw the days test he finally understood, and offered a silent prayer of thanks to his mother and father for sending him to study wit the Akodo. He looked at his brother near him and for the first time since arriving had a look of confidence on his face.

When it was his turn he approached the board and bowed to the judge that would be his opponent. While simple in theory his decided to use the same strategy in this that had in his game of Go with Kasumi the day before. He started by seemingly overloading on one side of the board, showing weakness on the other half. He hadn't played much Shogi but he understood it enough and the real life scale made things clearer in his mind. With a weak flank presented to his enemy he moved two seemingly unimportant pieces what seemed a vain attempt to fix his mistake. But once the mock battle began his pieces were free to zigzag across the board sweeping away the enemy while taking few casualties and ensuring that if the game had continued to conclusion he most certainly would have won.

[D6] Test of the General
Step 1: Tactics/Water
| TN: 2 | Success: 3 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 2
Image Image Image Image
1 Battle Point gained
2/10 Strife

[D6] Test of the General
Step 2: Games/Water(VP)
| TN: 2 | Success: 7 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 4
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School technique used to negate strife on the roll and reduce total strife and fatigue by 1
3 Battle Points Gained
1/10 Strife

[D6] Test of the General
Step 3: Command/Water(VP)
| TN: 2 | Success: 4 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 3
Image Image Image Image Image Image
2 Battle Points gained
4/10 Strife

Total Battle Points: 6(W/W/W)
Tiebreaker 1: 2
Tiebreaker 2: 9

Re: [LM6] Test of The General

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2021 8:21 am
by Shosuro Kaoru
Kaoru had said she was a good shogi player. And she was.

A military tactician however? That she definitely wasn't.

So she attempted the old magician trick of directing the audience's attention far away from what she doesn't want them to see, playing high risks high rewards moves at shogi to keep the judge thinking about that part of the test.

The Mirumoto lived by a book that had entire chapters dedicated to how to avoid deception from your opponent, so it was unlikely Shosuke would fall for such basic prestidigitation. But maybe he would appreciate the idea and the effort put into it?


D6LM | Test of The General | TN 2 Tactics | Air | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 0
Image Image

Success: +1 point (Air)

D6LM | Test of The General | TN 2 Games | Air | Void point | TN: 2 | Success: 5 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 3
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Success, with 3 bonus success: +2 points (Air)

D6LM | Test of The General | TN 2 Command | Air | TN: 2 | Success: 4 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 3
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Success, with 2 bonus success: +2 points (Air)

Total: 5 points, 3 successful rolls (Air/Air/Air), 1 opportunity, 6 strife

Re: [LM6] Test of The General

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2021 12:49 pm
by Shiba Kuroneko
No fluff

//D6 LM Event test 1 Tactics fire approach | TN: 2 | Success: 4 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 2 Image Image Image Image

D6 Event Test 2 Games Water approach | TN: 2 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 0 Image Image Image

D6 LM Event Test 3 Command Water approach | TN: 2 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 1 Image Image
+0 GP

total GP=2
opportunities =4

Re: [LM6] Test of The General

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2021 2:02 pm
by Funegao no Hirame
Well! Here was a test that Hirame knew something about. A proper captain knew how to command, and the movement of boats on the water required some knowledge of maneuvers. And what sort of Mantis would he be if he couldn't figure out how to win a game?

Only... commanding ashigaru wasn't the same as giving orders on a boat. Hirame frowned, considering. Formlessness wasn't what he'd studied at all; shouldn't they be well-order maneuvers? Just be better than the other guy? Hirame opted instead to be adaptable, his battle line shifting to match his opponents. It was a fair strategy, anyway.

And then the strategy paid off! Hirame saw his opening. He had to seize his opportunity where he could. Capitalizing on his initial advantage, Hirame's plan was daring and aggressive, offering his opponent no quarter. Figuratively, anyway; in reality, he would have cheerfully offered them the chance to surrender. As was proper, in ship to ship combat.

And then suddenly the rules changed. Well, a Mantis was adaptable!

"Form a line! Hold them off! Batten that down!" Okay, that last was a boat thing, but the ashigaru still looked attentive. With firm commands, Hirame steadily got his troops in order. At the conclusion, Hirame stood, head held high and proud.


Test of the General, Water 3 Tactics 1 | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 2
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Test of the General, Fire 3 Games 1 | TN: 2 | Success: 4 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 3
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Test of the General, Earth 2 Command 1, vp spent | TN: 1 | Success: 3 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 0
Image Image Image Image

4 Points (WATER, FIRE, EARTH), 2 opp, 5 strife

Re: [LM6] Test of The General

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2021 3:16 pm
by Asahina Sakura
How does a pacifist Asahina do so well in a battle scenerio?
Well. Let me tell you.

Her ghostly ancestor raged, nearly screaming orders at the ashigaru who probably could not hear him, but it was no less forceful so Sakura had no time to think.

Soldiers were stood on the massive Shogi board and her ancestor stalked the board as well, shrieking madly that the ashigaru should Move here! No, not there! No! Saku-chan! PAY ATTENTION, send him HERE!

Her throat was sandpaper and Sakura set her lips in a thin line, calmly and subtly directing as ...directed?

When it came time to lead and command, with her ancestor screaming in her ear, Sakura could barely stutter out suggestions, and lived up to her family's creed of offering peace - would they enjoy tea and mochi, and talk this through? Sleep on it and leave as friends tomorrow?

LM6 Test of the General - Air 3 Tactic 0 | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 0
Image Image Image
1 Battle pt!
1 opp used to "Act subtly to attract minimal attention in your efforts."

LM6 Test of the General - Fire 2 Games 1 +VP | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 2
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1 Battle pt
1 opp spent to -1 strife

LM6 Test of the General - Air 3 Command 0 | TN: 2 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 3
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0 Battle pts
2 opp spent to -2 strife
2/4 strife

2 Battle pts
4 opps total
5 strife total

Re: [LM6] Test of The General

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2021 3:35 pm
by Kakita Ahiru
Oh, those little miniature soldiers were cute. But... oh my Kami, why were some of them unpainted!?

Just the sight of the unpainted miniatures made Ahiru ready to go into a tirade, but then her turn came up so that would have to wait. Righ, she should be mysterious, inscrutible... wasn't there a song going something about mysterious as the dark side of the moon? As she observed the battlefield to make her plans, Ahiru kept her fan up to be as subtle as possible about the fact that she had no idea on how to be formless and dark. Or whatever it was the Mirumoto judge had said.

"What is your plan, Kakita-san?" she was asked
"We will move like the moon." Yes. Perfect. That sounded suitably cryptic and mysterious enough.

When it came to actually playing out the tactics, Ahiru was more occupied with moving her troops in beautiful formations, rather than... winning? And when not doing that, she was giving death glares to the horrible abominations that were *unpainted* miniatures.

Sure she was losing terribly, but at least *her* side of the board looked the prettiest. With *painted* miniatures.

Now how did the rest of the song go again...? I am pretty sure there was something about standing firm like mountains or something? Or was it raging like volcanoes...?

As she pondered this, Ahiru was asked for her orders.

"We will fight courageously even against the greatest odds! We will be swift as the coursing river, strike with the force of a great typhoon! And we will... uh... be mysterious. Yes! Mysterious! ... Why are you looking at me like that? Get to it!"


D6 LM. Test of the General. "Mysterious as the dark side of the moon!". Tactics 1/Void 1. Void point spent. TN2 | TN: 2 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 1
Image Image

D6 LM. Test of the General. "With all the force of a great typhoon." Games 0/Air 3. TN2 | TN: 2 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 0
Image Image Image

D6 LM. Test of the General. "There is no lyrics for Earth!" Command 1/Earth 1. Kuge Lineage. Speaking In Silence. TN2 | TN: 2 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 0

0 points :lol:

Re: [LM6] Test of The General

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2021 4:41 pm
by Kuni Mitsuko
Fluff coming

D6 event roll 1: Tactics TN 2. Void 3, skill 1, void point | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 1
Image Image Image Image
1 General point, +1 if Void favored, 2 opps reduce strife, net 0 strife

D6 event roll 2:Games TN 2. Void 3, games 1 | TN: 2 | Success: 3 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 2
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1 General point, +1 if Void favored, 1 opp reduces strife, net 1 strife
Composure: 1/8

D6 event roll 3: Command TN 2. Earth 3, Command 2, void point | TN: 2 | Success: 4 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 3
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2 General points, +1 if Earth preferred, 1 opp reduces strife, net 2 strife
Composure 3/8

4 General points (plugs favored if Void, Void, Earth)
4 opps kept
6 strife kept

Re: [LM6] Test of The General

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2021 5:40 pm
by Ikoma Aya
Aya was reasonably sure the tournament would include something related to warfare. Crane-centred as the Topaz championship might often be, the way of the samurai was, in many ways, the way of the warrior - and the way of the warrior involved battle strategy and leading troops.

She also knew, as a student of the Akodo War College, she was expected to do well here. Even if commanding troops wasn't at the core of her own training, or the tradition of her ancestors. Or... Yume-neesan. But she knew Yume-neesan would do her best regardless.

The way the test was structured, though, and especially Mirumoto Shosuke's guidance for the test... it went against every instinct she had. He said to let instinct guide her plans, but... when her instincts were fierce aggression paired with flexibility to shift plans around when needed, how could she trust her instincts?

She did her best, though. She tried to hold her from keeping to the same patterns she was used to. To think about... not thinking. To let a strategy build itself from the ground up.

It seemed to work well enough.

Trying to keep the game going to her advantage based on tricks, however... she did her best again, but that was too hard. She knew what was the idea behind that - Akodo no kami's lessons went into that at length. But... trickery in battle seemed to go against her beliefs too much. She tried... but she couldn't be as unreadable as the test required.

And commanding... it should be easy for her. And by this time she fell into her usual patterns, trying to do so based on a direct, fierce approach. But it seemed like she had already strained her resources too much...

It wasn't a complete failure, she knew that... but it certainly convinced her that there was even more training she had to do. This wouldn't do.

Step 1
D6LM - Test of the General. Step 1, "Let your plans be dark". Void(1)/Tactics(2) TN2. VP to Seize the Moment. | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 1
Image Image Image
2 Sux, 1 Opp, 1 Strife. Opp negates strife
1 General point

Step 2
D6LM - Test of the General. Step 2, "All warfare is based on deception". Air(2)/Games(0) TN2. | TN: 2 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 1
Image Image
1 sux, 1 opp, 1 strife. Opp negates strife

Step 3
D6LM - Test of the General. Step 3, "You must be resolute when commanding your soldiers". Fire(3)/Command(0) TN2. | TN: 2 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 1
Image Image Image
1 sux, 1 opp, 1 strife. Opp negates strife.

Final results
1 General point (2 if Void correct for Step 1))
3 opp
3 strife

Re: [LM6] Test of The General

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2021 5:41 pm
by Nekoma Seto
Well this was different . . . and Seto was going to have to be very very careful here. Cats were courtiers, honest. They shouldn't be suggesting ninjery things as battle tactics, no they should not.

His first plans were solid, make a feint to the left while actually attacking to the centre and right. After that they kind of descended into . . . 'Oh just maul whatever you can reach' . . . hardly Akodo War College thinking. The orders themselves were clearly and solidly delivered, as one experienced in making himself heard in performance arts transferred those skills to the battlefield with ease.

All in all, much better than he'd done at the Tests he should have done well in. Great.


ToG Tactics Air | TN: 2 | Success: 3 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 3
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Opportunity spent to negate Strife.

1 Battle Point, 1 Opportunity, 3 Strife (2 taken)

ToG Games Air | TN: 2 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 2
Image Image Image
Opportunity spent to negate Strife

0 Battle Points, 2 Opportunity, 2 Strife (0 taken)

ToG Command Air Void spent | TN: 2 | Success: 4 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 4
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Opportunity spent to negate Strife

2 Battle Points, 1 Opportunity, 4 Strife (3 taken)

Totals 3 Battle Points, 4 Opportunity, 9 Strife (5 taken).

Re: [LM6] Test of The General

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2021 5:44 pm
by Akodo Michi
When Michi took the stage to play this silly game, which while somewhat of a Topaz tradition, she found to be absurd nonetheless, she was already prepared for what lay ahead. Her training provided everything she needed and her intuition was granted by a righteous cause, she would not fail.

A simple game of shogi, it was clear her tactics were superior, and despite not choosing the path of deception as the Mirumoto taught, it seemed to matter little. Michi's determination and training were enough to proceed handily.

The problem came at the end, when needing to command soldiers directly. Her words were harsh, and despite her impressive amounts of confidence in her tactics, she did not get the soldiers to believe in her, and so, she failed.

She bowed to all and despite putting on a show of accepting her limitations, the match had been truly painful for her, as she already knows of this weakness, and despite training her mind to do something about it, she could not overcome it.

D6 General Test, Void/Tactics, Distinction, Void Point, Akodo Tech | TN: 2 | Success: 4 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 3
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2 points, no strife from roll, 1 opp
D6 General Test, Earth/Games, Distinction, Akodo Tech | TN: 2 | Success: 3 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 1
Image Image Image
Akodo Technique turning 1 strife into success: 2 points, take 1 fatigue
D6 General Test, Command/Earth, distinction/adversity, Akodo Tech | TN: 2 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 0
Image Image Image
No success, no strife to convert. RIP chances

4 points, Void/Earth/Fail
2 opportunities
0 strife taken due to Akodo tech conversion (which is silly as the girl would not be at peace with this :D)
1 fatigue taken

Re: [LM6] Test of The General

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2021 9:48 pm
by Togashi Shinko
Ok so I can actually see this one being of use. But Im not planning to be a general

Shinko gets creative with tactics and is aggressive, but can't hold the line.

D6 - Test of the General - Void 2 Tactics 0 | TN: 2 | Success: 3 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 2
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D6 Test of the General - Fire 3 Games 0 | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 1
Image Image Image

D6 Test of the General - Earth 2 Command 0 - VP spent | TN: 2 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 2
Image Image Image

Battle Points: 2
Opportunity: 3
Strife: 5

Re: [LM6] Test of The General

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2021 4:27 am
by Shiba Ichiro
Ichiro had some basic schooling under their family before their gift was discovered so the tactics portion of the test was not completely alien to them. In turn even they were surprised at their skill at deception and misdirection - their Scorpion grandmother's ancestors must have been smiling upon them.

When it came time to issue orders though, well, it was no surprise that is where things fell short for them. Fan codes and body language can work but only with those you've practiced alongside not random strangers.

As was often case they were satisfied with their showing but expected it would earn no great attention to them.

Step 1 - Tactics 1/Void 3

D6, LM: Step 1 - Tactics 1/Void 3 | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 2
Image Image Image

1 Battle Point, 1 Opportunity, 1 Strife

Step 2 - Games Unskilled/Void 3

D6, LM: Step 2 - Games Unskilled/Void 3 - Void spent | TN: 2 | Success: 4 / Opportunity: 3 / Strife: 3
Image Image Image Image Image Image Image

2 Battle Points (3 total), 3 Opportunity (4 total), 3 Strife (4 total)

Step 3 - Command Unskilled/Earth 2

D6, LM: Step 3 - Command Unskilled/Earth 2 - Void spent | TN: 2 | Success: 0 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 1
Image Image Image

Fail, 2 Opportunity (6 total), 1 Strife (5 total)

Results: 3 Battle Points (Void/Void/NA), 6 Opportunity, 5 Strife)

Re: [LM6] Test of The General

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2021 4:40 am
by Kakita Yuji
Yuji had not really been intended for battlefield command. He was really more on the path of court yojimbo than Iron Crane. Still you never knew when the tides of war would put you into a position to serve. Considering his resources, he divided his group up into left flank, center, right flank, and reserves, as each was best suited to serve: the quicker troops on the flanks, the sturdier in the center, and the rest in the reserves.

= 3/Tactics 0: 4 sux, 1 Opp, 2 strife. opp to cancel 1 strife)

2 General points, 1 opp, 2 strife.

Yuji did his best to apply his lessons from many games of go to overcome the enemy. And the maneuvers were solid...though not outstanding. Ground was being made, but the enemy was not routing.

Air 3/Games 2: 2 sux, 2 opp, 0 Strife

1 General points, (3 total) 2 opps (3 total) 0 strife (2 total)

Finally it was the thick of it. Yuji pushed his troops as hard as he could, impatient for a stunning victory. But unfortunately, despite all his efforts, he only obtained victory. Still, while he would be unlikely to be recognized for his performance again, at least he felt like he was in his element.

Earth 3/ Command 0, 3 sux, 1 opp, 3 strife (plus another 3 for anxiety

1 General Point (4 Total) 1 opps (4 total) 6 strife (8 total)

Final Score:

4 General Points
4 Opportunities
8 Strife

Re: [LM6] Test of The General

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2021 6:53 am
by Isawa Natsuko
"Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as the night."

Oh they were. There were words attached to the pieces, ranks abstracted and invisible hovering around ashigaru who would almost certainly never attain most of them. Except that some...some might if the flow of events wandered in just the right way. Those almost destinies and potential possibilities are like rough little patches on a smooth bit of wood, catching the fingers and attention as Natsuko drafts out plans that move them in imaginary ways toward fulfilling that potential and smoothing those splinters back down to the placid ripples of reality.

As mystifying as the slight priestess's strategy appeared, it wasn't as if the ashigaru were going to act against it. Some might have thought she was setting up for that 'deceiving the enemy' agenda. Which might have worked, if her opponent could have made any sense out of her strategy one way or another. Pronouncing the opponent's flying chariot unable to fly due to the heavy earth imbalance apparent in their gait, did nothing to help with the general confusion.

Thus, by the time command of the skirmishing ashigaru was passed to her, the game was already pretty hopelessly lost. When she called out to her own pieces, 'you are already dead, prepare accordingly," they had honestly stopped being surprised.


Step One:
Day 5 Test of the General Step one: TN 2 Tactics/Void | TN: 2 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 1 / Magnitude: 0
Image Image Image

Opportunity to reduce strife

Step Two:
Day 5 Test of the General Step two: TN 2 Games/Air | TN: 2 | Success: 0 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 1
Image Image

Opportunity to reduce strife

Step Three:
Day 5 Test of the General Step three: TN 2 Command/Earth | TN: 2 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 1

Strife 1/8

Totals: 0 successes
4 opportunities
3 strife

Re: [LM6] Test of The General

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2021 3:18 pm
by Seppun Urusai
Urusi considers the field, sinking into his Seppun's stillness and seeing...there, there is the opening! He points, he gives orders, and his strategy commences, unfolding, enveloping, and suddenly pivoting in a piercing, devastating, unforeseen direction that takes his opponent completely by surprise!

Spurred on by the sudden success, his stentorian call rings out once more, bidding his troops step forward for the Empire, and though it sounds right and many do, a voice in Urusai's mind chides him that he is overdoing it.

Step 1 Void/Tactics TN 2,; passes at 2 sux, 0 opps, 1 strife
Step 2 Air/Games TN 2 (VP), TN 2,; passes at 4 sux, 1 opp, 4 strife; opp to eat strife
Step 3 Earth/Command (Distinction), TN 2,; passes at 2 sux, 2 opps, 1 strife; 1 opp to eat strife
4 Battle Points (+ approach V A E)
3 Opps
5 Strife

Re: [LM6] Test of The General

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2021 6:11 pm
by Shinjo Jingyi
Jingyi felt out of place. She had some familiarity with the game, but only in passing. Unfortunately, improvisation could only take her so far.

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[LM6] Test of The General, Step 1, Water 3/Tactics 0, TN 2 | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 1
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[LM6] Test of The General, Step 2, Air 2/Games 0, TN 2 | TN: 2 | Success: 0 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 1
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Opportunity to Reduce Strife

[LM6] Test of The General, Step 3, Earth 2/Comand 0, TN 2 | TN: 2 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 1
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Approach: Water/Air/Earth
Points 1 (Water)
Opportunities: 1
Strife: 3