D1 EM: The start to a game of letters

The Inn in which the competitors will stay. It has undergone significant expansion since the Championship 1121, a massive campus in which no expense was spared.
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Ide Yizhak
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Joined: Sun Oct 24, 2021 2:39 pm

D1 EM: The start to a game of letters

Post by Ide Yizhak » Tue Nov 09, 2021 7:20 pm

Ide Yizhak knows he needs to apologize for his actions yesterday, but courtesy requires for him not to make a scene. So an anonymous message that can be easily tracked by the intended reader but not for anyone else it must be. Time to take one of those weird traditions that he actually likes for once, the game of letters.

(Going to write it later, work going to be busy)
Unicorn [*] Trader [*] Famously Wealthy [*]Gaijin [*]Momoku [*] Has an upper ear piercing and wears simpler garb than others of his family

Status 37 [*] Glory 30 [*]Honor 45

Carrying: Traveling clothes, yumi, journal, calligraphy set, traveling pack

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